April 13, 2018
Say Goodbye
Remember when Cinderella gets a makeover and she is suddenly treated like a princess? Was she any less of a princess when she was living with her evil stepmother and stepsisters? Stereotyping and social conditioning doesn’t come out of the blue, it starts at a very young age. With media portraying women as either Cinderella or glamorized sex objects, and men as buff Mr. DIY or hapless parent, these gender straitjackets can become so restrictive and negative. We know first hand about the challenges and obstacles that come with being a woman today. Now is the time to take a stand and say enough is enough! We want to say Goodbye to Misogyny, Goodbye to Stereotypes and Goodbye to Gender Roles for good! It’s just a bunch of hot air, let it go!
Click HERE to shop Say Goodbye.